Goddess Kali Ma

Kali Ma is the Hindu goddess of destruction. When you are wanting to clear karma, move and transmute energy call on Goddess Kali Ma. She will burn all that no longer serves. She will help you step into your power. She won’t do this in a gentle way. When I call on her she tends show up in the most intense of ways. Before bed, when I feel called I ask her to help me clear energy/ karma in my dream state. I ask her to help me burn limiting beliefs and perceptions that no longer serve my soul’s highest and greatest purpose. Each time she works with me I wake up in a pool of sweat (I rarely sweat, even when exercising); this is her confirmation to me that during my sleep state she was there helping me burn, clear, and transmute all that no longer serves. She carries a powerful energy and if you aren’t ready for complete destruction, change, and transformation she may not be the one to call on for now. I personally appreciate her intensity, but at times have asked her to be more gentle. If you’re ready to cut cords, release attachments, let go of fears, make powerful transformations, and step into your power she will guide you along the way (over and over again). Just when I think I’ve reached an ideal, empowered, fearless, and surrendered state, I am humbled by thoughts of fear and disempowerment and I call on her, she comes and once again I’m restored!

Photo: taken at Sacred Hearts Healing Center retreat on Oct. 15th, 2021

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